have chosen to look at food trucks because it is a very difficult field. Most
people only eat there if they pas and they have prejudice about the cleanness
and health of food trucks that makes it harder for the trucks to get costumer.
But on the other hand, food trucks are fast and something many people chose for
also find food trucks inspiring because we don’t have them in Denmark, so it is
exciting to have to understand a product that is so new to me. I will try to show
why people buy food at the trucks in a illustrative way.
of the main problems that this graph shows is that 43% don’t buy food because
of lack of food trucks in there environment, it tells us that not many people
would go to a food truck for only the purpose of going there, which is shown in
more depth in the next graph. And further there is 33% who knows where the
trucks are but haven’t purchased in the last 12-month.
Buying behavior:
behavior shows even further how difficult it is for food trucks. It is only 5%
that plan their consumptions for buying at food trucks and 31% only buy if they
walk by it. This emphasizes how big a factor convenience is for the costumer.
But on the other hand there is 20% that buy because of graving, so it means
that the food trucks have the ability to differentiate themselves to the taste of
the customer.
and strengths are often very close linked, what is a weakness for one food
truck may be an opportunity or strength for another one. That is why some of
the columns are the same to show how it is both.
first column show how it is both a strength and a weakness that people only buy
when they walk by, this means that a good location means a lot and that it is
really important to find a way to get people to want to go to the food truck
even thought it is not on the way.
of people don’t go because of lack of cleanliness in the food trucks; this is
an opportunity for the food trucks that get known for being clean because 51%
say it’s among top 3 of reasons to visit.
don’t go to food trucks because they think they are not fresh and of low
quality and 16% say that healthfulness is really important. This shows again
how a weakness could become a strength.
is a paradox in the food truck industry, people want it to go fast but at the
same time they don’t use the Internet for ordering or payment. That is why it
is so important that the food trucks are fast when people go, else it can
become a weakness. In the same category is how easy the food is to eat, if it
is impossible to walk with many people skip it because convenience is such an
important factor.
What people prefer:
circle explains even further what people prefer and what they go after when
they buy food.
Heard about food trucks:
Most people hear about the food trucks from other people, 21%. As shown above not many use the Internet when they have to purchase or pay and the same counts for finding the food trucks. Where only 6% follows food truck online and only 11% share there stories about the food places on social media sites. This makes an opportunity if people start using the Internet for finding food trucks and the food trucks at the same times makes it easier to find them.
Most people hear about the food trucks from other people, 21%. As shown above not many use the Internet when they have to purchase or pay and the same counts for finding the food trucks. Where only 6% follows food truck online and only 11% share there stories about the food places on social media sites. This makes an opportunity if people start using the Internet for finding food trucks and the food trucks at the same times makes it easier to find them.