tirsdag den 24. september 2013

Blog 3 Generative research

Blog 3 Generative research

What I can’t live without
There are some things in this category that I absolutely can’t live without and then there is some things that I could handle living without. So the order I’m explaining them in is the order I would prefer.

1:The first thing I can’t live without is my family.
I have a little brother and an older sister, I know that no matter what I do they will always help me and support me. My parents are a never-ending support and I think it is difficult to find some people that love more than parents loves their children. Therefore my family means everything to me and if they were not here my world would be so much different and so much more difficult.

2: The second thing is my friends.
I think friends are so important because they help you through difficult times and they make you feel appreciated and alive. When you speak with your friends they make you understand yourself better because they make you reflect over the decisions you make. I have friends from every time period in my life and some that have experienced the exact same feelings and events that I have, therefore they understand me and I understand them. That’s why I don’t think I would be able to live without my friends.

3: Third is my memory.
Some people ask if I regret things I did or people I was friends with even though they were not “worth it”. I always say that I don’t. If you do not remember the things you did wrong how could you change the next decision you make. And I believe that all the things I have been trough and all the people I have met reflect who I am.

4: healthy.
I have been taken care of old people for the last 3 years and through that I really realize how lucky I am that I’m healthy. There is so many sick people who have to think about there illness every day or can’t even get out of bed and in my opinion that is a big influence on life quality and your possibilities in life.

5: is being active.
It’s kind of the same as above, but it just mean so much for me that I’m able to run and have time to do sport.

What I care about:
This part I more materialistic and is not in an order, because I could live without any of them, but my life would just be a lot different from how it is now.

1 and 2: School and money.
I’m so fortunate that I have the opportunity to go to school. If I didn’t I would not have the same change of getting the life I wanted. Hereby I mean money and quality. I don’t believe money is everything, but I believe that if you do not have money at all your life is more difficult and you don’t have time to do the things you want. The other aspect is life quality, if you do not go to school it is more difficult to get the same opportunities and to get a challenging job that gives you recognition.

3 and 4: My phone and computer/Internet.
My phone and Internet is important because they help me keep in touch with my family and friends and at the same time I use computer/internet for everything; searching for news, doing my school work, knowing was popular for others right now. It’s just such a big part of everything I do and how my day is spend.

Digital Ecosystem:

I guess that almost everyone in my age use Facebook and that is exactly why I use it. I mostly use it to communicate with my friends and to know what is going on. I have a friend that doesn’t have Facebook and she misses out on so many parties because people keeps forgetting to invite her. I also use it as a tool for school. You can make a group and share documents and thoughts. I do not use it as a tool for writing about my day as many others do in that way many people say I’m not so “active” on Facebook, but I still look at it many times each day to see if there is something important I should know. Many of my friends get irritated if I don’t answer them immediately because they see it as a instrument you wash all the time.

Web search:
I search the web for all kinds of questions. Sometimes it’s school related and other times it’s just to know a random fact.

Online video:
I watch music on youtube and I only watch series on the Internet, never on television.

Typical Weekday
The day I have chosen is a Wednesday.
I get a lot of information at breakfast because I go trough the most important news. I also receive a lot of information in school; if there is group work we often search the web and find a lot of stuff there.
I use the web almost the whole day, even when I’m relaxing I use it. 

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